Painters from South Korea
Mustafa Altıntaş” Tangos “ |
Bridges from Digital to Analogue, from Photo to PaintingTolga Sezen – Photograph ExhibitionBuilt on a 1500 years old Late Roman Early Byzantine Cistern , Antik Hotel Antik Cisterna Exhibition Hall will host a different concept exhibition between March 19th – April 14 th . The works created from photos taken by artist Tolga Sezen and modified by using technology will be displayed in the exhibition. Opening cocktail of exhibition will be held at 18:00 on March 19th, Thursday. “Tolga Sezen has started a journey with the works he created. The starting point of this journey is the photos he took. These are converted into paintings by using digital methods during creative development processes and in this way, a bridge is laid between photograph and painting areas.” We invite art lovers to attend this journey to arrive at unexplored destinations. (The artist living in Austria will be in Turkey between March 17th – March 20th.) – |
Ustaların buluşması – Meeting of masters
21 Şubat – 13 Mart 2015 / February 21 – March 13, 2015 1500 yıllık tarihi Bizans sarnıcının üzerine inşa edilen Antik Hotel Antik Cisterna Sergi Salonu, Türk sanatının duayenlerinden 15 sanatçıyı ağırlıyor. Bu karma sergide, birbirinden farklı yöntem ve üslupları benimsemiş olan sanatçılar; sizlere çizgi, doku ve figürlerin çeşitli renklerde hayat bulduğu, soyut ve somutun uyumlandığı, çağdaş estetiğin anlatımdaki açıklıkla, duyguların gerçeklikle buluştuğu bir dünya sunacak. Birçoğu aynı zamanda akademisyen olan sanatçıların ortak noktası ise; her birinin konusunda yetkin olması ve özgün bir sanatsal geçmişe ve, Türk sanatında önemli bir yer sahip olmalarıdır. Sergi, 19 Şubat saat 18:00’de açılış kokteyliyle kapılarını sanatseverlere açacak. Türk sanatından farklı örneklerin bir arada görülebileceği resim sergisi, 19 Şubat – 13 Mart 2015 tarihleri arasında ziyaret edilebilir. Ramiz Aydın: Figüratif eğilimli resimlerinde ele aldığı konulardan bazıları; büyülü bakışlı köy kadınları, kentli müzisyenler, Anadolu izlenimleridir. Pastel, gri tonlarda, öylesine çarpıcı öylesine muhteşem bir anlatım… İsmail Hakkı Demirtaş: Kadın figürün ağırlıkta olduğu resimlerinde, renklerin uyumuyla, çizginin ve lekelerin dans ettiğini düşünebilirsiniz. Pesent Doğan: Kontrast renkleri ve çağdaş anlatımıyla soyutla somutun buluştuğu, tuvallerindeki coşkulu ifade sizi içine çeker. Basri Erdem: Geniş fırça tuşlarına dayalı bir estetik içinde, temiz renkleri ve anlatımcı öğeleri vurgulayan anlayışıyla öne çıkar. Dinçer Erimez: Geleneksel resmin matematiksel çözümü. Onun resminde duygusallık, hüzün, ayrılık temalarının ustaca işlendiğini, bilinçaltı verileriyle de zenginleşen bir oluşumu görebiliriz. Nüzhet Kutluğ: Onun sanatında soyut ve somutun bütünlüğü kurgulanırken, estetiğin de göz ardı edilmediği gözlemlenir. Kendini yenilemekten kaçınmayan ressam, sanatçı duyarlılığıyla Türk sanatında yerini alır. Veli Sapaz: ’Benim resimlerim sevda türküleri gibidir’ der sanatçı. Bazen bozlaktır, bazen uzun hava, bazen de halay olur. Karamsardır, hüzünlüdür, küser ancak hep ümit ışığıyla boyanır kadın figürleri. Rengin ustası Veli Sapaz’ın kare tuvallerinde abartısız ama hep coşkulu yaşam kesitleri nakış nakış ortaya çıkar. Erol Özden: Kuşbakışı doğa görünümlerini topografik unsurların ön plana çıkarıldığı, grafik ağırlıklı bir işçilik düzeyinde yansıtan resimleri, İstanbul teması çevresinde yoğunlaşmaktadır. Sanatçının köy hayatından kurgulanmış fantastik resimlerinde etkileyici bir lirik görsellik vardır. Ahmet Özol: Kökeninde şiirsel fantezi imgelerinin yer aldığı resimleri, doğa ve çevre temaları üzerine kuruludur. Ağırlıklı olarak dokuların kullanıldığı resimlerinde insan figürleriyle de farklı kompozisyonlar kurgular.
Aycan Aksakal “Day Dreams”
Aycan Aksakal’s personal exhibition called “Day Dreams” meets art lovers at Antik Hotel Antik Cisterna Exhibition Hall built in a 1500-year Byzantium cistern, between 22nd January – 16th February. Aiming to express in her works the struggle of modern-times women between graceful and naïve loneliness and wild crowd, the artists summarizes herself and her works; ‘Talking since five, with extroverted silence, colours and images. Still learning the colours of my dream palette and teaching the bright language of art to my young. My works can touch you with; the timid nobility in the choreographies of Pina Bausch, strong tragedy in the paintings of Frida Kahlo, depressive depth in the sentences of Tezer Özlü, mad love in the poems of Sylvia Plath, peaceful sadness in the songs of Edith Piaf…’
Feryal Taneri Painting Exhibition ” Golden Touches “
The artist’s 35th personal exhibition will be open at Antik Hotel Antik Cisterna Art Gallery between December 23 – January 20. Feryal Taneri was born in Zonguldak. She met arts by means of Artist Fuat. She took art lessons from Mustafa Esirkuş and Osman Zeki Oral respectively. She attended Bedri Rahmi Eyüboğlu Workshop at Fine Arts Academy in 1972. She got bachelor’s degree from Marmara University Department of Fine Arts Education- Art Major of Sculpture, and master’s degree from Institute of Educational Sciences -Art Major of Painting of the same university. She performed 35 personal and more than 150 mixed and group exhibitions in the country and abroad, and participated in symposiums and biennales. Taneri’s works are held by private and corporate collections such as Ministry of Culture, museums, municipalities and banks. Having different awards and prizes; the artist is a member of Fine Arts Association, GESAM (Turkish Society of Fine Art Work Owners) and International Plastic Arts Association.
Her paintings starting from Women Stories to Colour of Woman meet with art lovers with the exhibition “Golden Touches” in the fascinating atmosphere of Cisterna Art Gallery. The gallery serves for art in a venue where ruins of early Byzantine period are protected.
In Feryal Taneri’s latest exhibition, the power, hopes and sometimes overwhelmed situation of women from Cybele to date are animated, in colours varying between soil tones and gold foil, as semi-abstracted and partly melted, with the harmony of textures, lines and spots. The figures deformed a bit in design add a different dimension to the main theme.
Antik Hotel İstanbul Antik Cisterna Exhibition Hall Art Consultant Murat KÜÇÜKKAYALI
Ahmet Başar “Topladıklarım – Collected Items”
22nd November – 21st December 2014 Ahmet Başar opens his personal exhibition at Antik Hotel – Antik Cisterna Exhibition Hall between 22nd November – 21st December 2014. The artist’s exhibition is composed of 20 canvas and paper works. The artist whose works are found in private collections presents in his exhibition the works performed in the first half of 2014. The curator of exhibition is Murat Küçükkayalı. Working in Istanbul, the artist holds the approach of questioning daily incidents such as traffic accidents, work crimes, elections, environmental pollution, political corruption in his compositions. In his works, he produces compositions by gathering materials such as wastes in streets, newspaper clips collected from bibliopoles and junk dealers, packages, photos, official documents, and anonymous pictures, with various paints and inks. He sometimes makes the persons who are with him at that time, a part of that production and makes collective notes for daily events. The name of exhibition “Topladıklarım – Collected items” opens the door of cultural, geographic and personal properties to the audience. Every audience can find traces of today’s social life in these open-ended works and with crude colours inside, these works recall a certain stance against the corrupting system. The artist makes reference to the forms of consumption society and, looking at the meaning of geometry and materials collected, he divides his compositions into certain sections. These sections make a story order split into frames as in comics..
The exhibition “SPEAKING TO MYSELF”of IMPULS GROUP is hosted by Antik Hotel Istanbul – Antik Cisterna Exhibition Hall constructed on a 1500 year old Late Rome-Early Byzantine cistern. Being graduated from Applied Fine Arts State Academy in 1980’s is deemed important by the group İMPULS that is composed of Çetin PİRECİ, Ertan EROL, Ertan YILMAZ and Nilgün KARATOPRAKLI. In addition to their friendship, the group is trying to make a contribution to art. They say: ”The SELF inside is a great actor that deserves the best prize of the play called life. Although it seems to deny, it is the inevitable harmony of sometimes obedient and sometimes disobedient aspects inside. It lives through the evolution of variation. In the end, it is often a perfect imitator of SELVES outside. Yet it enjoys being unaware of. And we only try to SPEAK to that pure-sly and gentle-wild SELF…” and, believing that this effort can be stronger in this ancient venue, they invite everybody to the opening cocktail at 18:00 on October 23, Thursday. The exhibition “SPEAKING TO MYSELF”of IMPULS GROUP can be visited at Antik Hotel Antik Cisterna Exhibition Hall until November 17. Art Consultant – Murat KÜÇÜKKAYALI
Yer: Beyazıt Antik Hotel Antik Cisterna sergi salonu Tarih: 27 Eylül- 18 Ekim 1500 yıllık tarihi bir sarnıcı, restorasyonla korumaya alan ve sanatçıların hizmetine sunan Beyazıt Antik Hotel Antik Cisterna sergi salonu, 2014-2015 sanat sezonunu sanatçı Armağan BİLGİN’İN “Kadim Zamanlar” adlı sergisi ile açıyor. Sanatçı eserlerinde, yaşadığı coğrafyaların tüm kültürel değerlerini, yerel-evrensel estetik kodlarla, yenilikçi bir tarzda yorumluyor… Eserlerinde karışık teknik kullandığını ve yaratıcılığının, Yaradan’ın büyük lütfu olduğunu belirten Armağan BİLGİN, yaklaşık 3 yıllık süreçte hazırladığı bu sergideki eserlerinin, bir sonraki birkaç projesinin ipucu olduğunu da ekliyor ve herkesi, özelde 27 Eylül saat 18:00’deki açılış kokteyline, genelde sergi süresince herhangi bir günde sergisine bekliyor. Sanatçı Armağan BİLGİN’in “Kadim Zamanlar” adlı resim sergisi Antik Hotel -Antik Cisterna sergi salonunda 16 Ekim tarihine kadar görülebilir.